Africa's Leading Contractor Management Platform
Keep track of contractor presence and attendance records across your business at all times. SOJA makes it easy with ID Scan and verified check in, Virtual Passes, automated notifications, custom sign in flows, and more.
Check in you visitors in 20 seconds or less. Make your visitors check-in a fast, efficient and memorable experience. Eliminate queues and delays at your entry points
Our platform is integrated with Industry leading computer vision technology. Scan Passports, National ID, Motor Vehicle License plates and Extract relevant data fast
Unlike the traditional paper-based visitor books, your data is uploaded in real time to your secure server. Easily secure your data and comply with Data Privacy Regulations.
Elevate Your Brand
Tired of your manual front desk operations and visitor registration and its impact on your brand reputation and customer experience? Switch to Soja today and elevate your brand.
Contractor Management Features
Check in you contactors in 20 seconds or less with ID scan and Virtual Passes. Make your contractors check-in a fast, efficient and memorable experience. Eliminate queues and delays at your entry points
QR Check-in
Let your contractors check in via QR codes. Contractors just need their phones to use our encrypted QR code check in on this cost-effective solution. No extra software is required.
Streamline sign in with preregistration. Preregister contractor details for a fast-tracked sign in experience.
Easily identify contractor by issuing them with custom ID or visitor badges for on-site authorization
Customer Stories
See how Soja is helping our customers streamline their businesses.
Industry Insights
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Speak To Our Experts
And learn why top CRE firms depend on Soja VMS to control the flow of people entering and leaving their properties.
Discover a better
way to check-in
Delight your visitors with an automated
end-to-end check-in flow.
- Tailor Access rights, check-in requirements, and badges
- Save time and cut costs with ID Scan & Pre-registration
- Integrate with existing solutions and hardware
- Boost security and comply with health, safety, and data protection regulations.